Author Archives: Earth's Mightiest Podcast

EMP Episode 156: #SheHulkToo

Ep 156 AND THERE CAME A DAY … as the War of the Realms shuttered its way to a conclusion, in which EVERYTHING CHANGED …FOREVER. Gods were born, made, died and killed, Dogs gave orders that no human would’ve DARED to ignore… And when everything had finally settled, a new Ruler sat for all eternity on the Throne. MEANWHILST The Champions continue to manage a chronic shortage of truly fine heroes…and the Avengers? well the Avengers dip in the fiery hot tuba of “assemmmblehhhhh.” Believe it when we say this is a Hot Tub sequence not to be missed.


0:27:54 Champions (2019) #6
0:40:04 Avengers (2018) #20
0:56:45 The War of the Realms (2019) #6
1:14:35 War of the Realms Omega (2019) #1
1:26:26 Avengers (2018) #21
1:42:03 Champions (2019) #7
1:48:27 Savage Avengers (2019) #3

Quick Hits
2:00:50 Thor (2018) #15
2:02:55 Guardians of the Galaxy (2019) #5
2:07:17 War of the Realms – Agents of Atlas (2019) #4
2:08:08 Aero (2019) #1
2:10:55 War of the Realms – Journey Into Mystery (2019) #5
2:13:09 Invisible Woman (2019) #1

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EMP #156
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EMP theme song
By Tribe One


Facebook Group
Viet’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMX Episode 71: Weekend at Banshee’s

In this eXplicit, uncut and unedited episode of EMX we review X-Men Books books of April 2019.


Age of X-Man Apocalypse and the X-Tracts #2
Age of X-Man NextGen #3
Age of X-Man Prisoner X #2
Age of X-Man Amazing Nightcrawler #3
Age of X-Man Marvelous X-Men #3
Age of X-Man X-Tremists #3
Domino Hotshots #2
Major X #1-2
Mr and Mrs. X #10
Uncanny X-Men #15-16
War of the Realms: Uncanny X-Men #1
Wolverine Infinity Watch #3
X-23 #11
X-Force #6

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EMX #71
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Facebook Group
Viet’s Website
Alex’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

MwaP Episode 99: MLF Trash

The boys are finally back with a episode 99 and it’s already off to a start as hot garbage. In this episode Scott challenges people to annoy Rob Liefeld at conventions and then comes up with a new way to review comics. Meanwhile Corwin admits he hasn’t seen Dark Phoenix and tries everything in his power not to review the books. Talking about books, the boys review the Deadpool books of April 2019, but before that, they do a Hit List of The Top 5 Moments of the Podcast’s History. In Past-O-Vision they take a detour from Cable & Deadpool to review none other than House of M!! Next episode is the Big 100!! To celebrate a new contest is up. E-mail the show at by August 10th, 2019 (date may extend depending when we actually decide to record) with your thoughts/questions/input on Cowboy Bebop and Re: Zero. Do that and win a Trade (must still be in print, omnibus, complete collection, and absolutes excluded, must be under $50) of your choice along with whatever junk Scott finds under his bed (pens will probably be included)!


0:02:50 Movie Talk: Dark Phoenix & Spider-Man Far From Home
0:08:52 News
0:24:04 Hit List: Top 5 Show Moments
0:39:56 Major X (2019) #1-2
0:45:23 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #49
0:50:40 Deadpool (2018) #11
0:56:06 West Coast Avengers (2018) #6
1:03:18 House of M (2005) #1-4
1:19:20 House of M (2005) #5-8

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MwaP #99
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Music by Jenki “Girls of Los Angeles”


Facebook Page

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMP Episode 155: Midgardians of the Galaxy


Yes, folks, there comes a day unlike any other… when it’s possible that the valiant hosts of yonder podcast may come together to…celebrate and enjoy the Marvel Summer Event Book??? Maybe!… BUT FIRST! As if Jason Aaron didn’t have enough going on, turning all of the 616 into a mix of Zeppelin Tour ’74 and Ten Best Conversion Van Paint Jobs the flyover states of this country ever saw… AVENGERS #19 animalistic action! Seriously, Gorilla Man, Ursa Major… and the return of a dastardly dog…. We dare you to try and keep track of the double crosses! But mostly it’s all out WAR from the hilltops of the Jodenheim to the Spidery-Hel-Holes of Dark Elf Svartelheim… War of the Realms continues taking no prisoners and no one is safe! Certainly not from Asgardian makeovers… (Spidey? Luke Cage…. Hawkeye on a Unicorn?) but more importantly, can any God stand the wraith of Maliketh’s Venom-infused Ebony Blade? Will Thor ever learn to stop punching holes in the sides of mountains?? It’s a race to make the Marvel Universe over- but will it be with Golden Asgardian Pride? Or Dark Elvish maroon-stains from Wakanda to the Statue of Liberty?? It’s all here in …EARTH’S MIGHTIEST PODCAST!! …Nuff Said!


0:16:30 War of the Realms (2019) #3
0:35:00 War of the Realms (2019) #4
0:51:24 Avengers (2018) #19
1:03:54 War of the Realms (2019) #5
1:24:31 Savage Avengers (2019) #2

Quick Hits
1:38:00 War of the Realms Tie-ins

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EMP #155
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EMP theme song
By Tribe One


Facebook Group
Viet’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMX Episode 70: Meh-Men

In this eXplicit, uncut and unedited episode of EMX we review X-Men Books books of March 2019.


Age of X-Man Apocalypse & the X-Tracts (2019) #1
Age of X-Man Next Gen (2019) #2
Age of X-Man Prisoner X (2019) #1
Age of X-Man The Amazing Nightcrawler (2019) #2
Age of X-Man The Marvelous X-Men (2019) #2
Age of X-Man X-Tremists (2019) #2
Dead Man Logan (2019) #5
Domino and the Hotshots (2019) #1
Mr. & Mrs. X (2018) #9
Uncanny X-Men Winter’s End (2019) #1
Uncanny X-Men (2018) #13-14
Wolverine and the Infinity Watch (2019) #2
X-23 (2018) #10
X-Force (2019) #4-5

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EMX #70
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Facebook Group
Viet’s Website
Alex’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMP Episode 154: D.C.’s Finest

Ep 154 IN THIS EPISODE… The War of the Realms is in full swing as issue 2 sees the battle joined by members of the Marvel Universe great and small, and even Odin will hoist a spear before it’s through. Meanwhile all things must come to and end, what that means in Avengers: No Road Home is a little harder to suss out than we might have liked… Did Nyx never have a chance? The pathos, the ethos… the Ut-Ohs of it all…. Ohh the HUMANITY! At least it’s over… Speaking of “Over” WEST COAST AVENGERS #10… We Laughed, We Cried, We embraced our inner Landsharks! And let’s face it, this “9-panel confessional” thing? This was a book that did what it wanted..and succeeded with what it tried. Can the CHAMPIONS can bounce their entire team back from the brink…sure, they’ll kick and scream and emo-naval-gaze their way through it all, and then just when they need it most, someone important from their past will darken their doorway and reframe their future…who you say? “To Me, my Champions!” Is all we can tell ya! THEN… are you ready for SAVAGE AVENGERS #1? (Is anyone?) In the tale that we’re pretty sure nobody asked for…,“I’m Conan of Cimmeria…Bub,” well met as only he could with, “I’m Logan….of Pabst.” And if that’s not enough to stir your loins to action, we can’t really be sure you’re still alive! But FEAR NOT me hearties! For WHATEVER YOUR COURSE….know that while the WAR OF REALMS RAGES… the madcap Anchors of Airwaves, those Triumphant conTEXtualizers the fools (?) of… EARTH’S MIGHTIEST PODCAST!….will be there! ’Nuff Said!


0:13:47 Avengers: No Road Home (2019) #10
0:21:59 The War of the Realms (2019) #2
0:30:35 West Coast Avengers (2018) #10
0:37:55 Avengers (2018) #18
0:45:43 Champions (2019) #5
1:00:00 Savage Avengers (2019) #1

Quick Hits
1:14:54 Thor (2018) #12
1:16:48 War of the Realms Punisher (2019) #1
1:20:08 Venom (2018) #13

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EMP #154
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EMP theme song
By Tribe One


Facebook Group
Viet’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

MwaP Episode 98: Bite Bite

The boys are back with a new episode!! In this episode Scott discusses what Corwin would do if was in Hawkeye’s situation during the snap, then Scott turns 33 in the middle of the podcast. Meanwhile Corwin blames technical difficulties for sleeping during the show, and then takes a stand on real body art images. Warning there are spoilers for Endgame on this episode!! The Deadpool books for March 2019 are reviewed. In Past-O-Vision the boys travel back to 2005 to finish up the Enema of the State arc of Cable & Deadpool. Finally in Monty’s Predictions, they visit the their old predictions and make new ones. And as always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a PSA. Reminder episode 100 we will be covering Cowboy Bebop and Re: Zero. Get watching everyone!!

P.S. Keep e-mail/messaging us what anime series we should cover in episode 100.


0:01:32 Avengers Endgame SPOILERS
0:18:35 News
0:29:55 West Coast Avengers (2018) #9
0:39:56 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #47
0:49:00 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #48
0:56:24 Deadpool (2018) #10
1:04:25 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #16
1:17:27 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #17
1:39:12 Monty’s Predictions

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MwaP #93
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Music by Jenki “Girls of Los Angeles”


Facebook Page

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

MwaP Episode 93: Browsette

“The boys are back and not delayed!! In this episode Scott admits to never have seen The Princess Bride, and then makes the argument that Elsa Jean has what it takes to join the Deadpool Cinematic Universe. Meanwhile Corwin states Friday is a Cinematic Classic and gushes over Kelly Thompson. The Deadpool books for August 2018 are reviewed and they guaranteed you can skip the middle portions of the books they talk about. For Past-O-Vision they travel back to 2004 to go over more of the Burnt Offering in Cable & Deadpool. Finally in Hit List the boys list off their Top Five Actresses they Would Cast as Gwenpool. And as always Robot Chicken Hulk wraps the show up with a PSA.

P.S. Keep e-mail/messaging us what anime series we should cover in episode 100.”


0:01:42 News
0:15:45 Deadpool (2018) #3
0:21:28 Spider-Man Deadpool (2016) #37
0:26:18 Deadpool Assassin (2018) #5
0:29:43 Deadpool Assassin (2018) #6
0:31:56 Cable & Deadpool Annual (2018) #1
0:42:31 West Coast Avengers (2018) #1
0:55:37 Cable & Deadpool (2004) #9
1:10:32 Hit List: Casting Gwenpool

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MwaP #93
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Music by Jenki “Girls of Los Angeles”


Facebook Page

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMX Episode 65: Yable

In this eXplicit, uncut and unedited episode of EMX we review X-Men Books books of July – Sept 2018.


Astonishing X-Men (2017) #13-15
Domino (2018) #4-6
Domino Annual (2018) #1
Extermination (2018) #1-3
Hunt for Wolverine (all #3-4, Deadends)
Mr. & Mrs. X (2018) #1-3
Multiple Man (2018) #2-4
New Mutants: Dead Souls (2018) #5-6
Weapon H (2018) #5-7
Weapon X (2017) #20-23
X-23 (2018) #1-4
X-Men Blue (2017) #31-36
X-Men Gold (2017) #31-36
X-Men Red (2018) #6-8

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EMX #65
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Facebook Group
Viet’s Website
Alex’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.

EMP Episode 146: Donkey Teeth

IN THIS EPISODE… The AVENGERS have a new arc and a new home at the top of the world…. “Knowhere Calling/ Yeah I was there TOO….!!” Over in CHAMPIONS the team takes a break from looking for their lost teammates when Miles Morales has one of the most difficult experiences of his life happen at his school. This time being a superhero won’t be enough. Over in WEST COAST AVENGERS its non-stop shenanigans as BRODOK comes home for dinner and Quentin Quire and Gwenpool go heads up…. Heads UP!! In INFINITY WAR, Gamorra figures out how to keep Earth’s Mightiest Heroes from thwarting her plan, and it sounds an awful lot like the move her dad made when he had the Gauntlet. Will she save the Universe? Or find a new way to end half of all life in it? PLUS Quick Hits! SOLDIER SUPREME and CAPTAIN AMERICA ANNUAL…. it’s all here in EARTH’S MIGHTIEST PODCAST Episode 146….

‘Nuff Said!


0:14:10 Champions (2016) #7
0:24:36 Infinity Wars (2018) #3
0:41:12 Avengers (2018) #8
0:58:04 West Coast Avengers (2018) #2
Quick Hits
1:06:40 Captain America Annual (2018) #1
1:09:03 Infinity Wars: Soldier Supreme (2018) #1

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EMP #146
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EMP theme song
By Tribe One


Facebook Group
Viet’s Website

Note: The PoP!-Cast Network is earmarked by iTunes as “explicit” and is intended for mature audiences.