Cue Eric Bischoff’s WWE music, because…we’re back. Kinda.
The “Internet Wrestling Geek Prodigy” Kelly Harrass and “The Once and Future King of Useless Information” Michael Melchor take the helm of the show and steer in a slightly new direction. No discussion of how much Raw sucks or how terrible TNA is. This is two wrestling fans talking about the stuff they like that may not be so visible in the mainstream, but maybe should be. Some of the things we talk about?
- Who we are and how we came to be (wrestling fans)
- The good and terrible of old WCW
- Why NJPW World > WWE Network
- CZW going from good to bad to good
- The awesomeness of Tim Donst
- NJPW’s Wrestle Kingdom 9 and New Year’s Dash shows
- Navigating NJPW World
- Recent NXT
- New Japan invading Pro Wrestling NOAH
- Takeshi Morishima as RoH World Champion
- The show’s new (lack of) format revealed!
- #RAWlternative
- Johnny Gargano: underrated??
- Starman vs. Cobra Commander?!!?
- Chikara’s Season Premiere Preview
Opening Theme: The NEW PCW Theme!
Closing music: Bullet Club Theme
PCW. Dan Mahoney’s favorite show returns.
PLEASE NOTE: There are some audio hiccups and technical difficulties. We tried to edit those out as best as possible, but it does rear its ugly head in some spots. We apologize for that issue and will have it corrected in the future.
#RAWlternative – happening January 19! Find out about it here! And watch it here!
Chikara’s Season Premiere! Find out about it here!
Speaking of Chikara…the Season 14 Exit Interview Kelly did with Mike Quackenbush can be found here. Oh, and that Eddie Kingston promo we talked about? Right here.
PCW only endorses these shirts: TNAShopOnline.com

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